Moawin Foundation (MF) relocated to Islamabad, signing an MoU with the FDE and taking on 12 schools in Alipur Frash UC. With teacher training, infrastructure improvements, and plans to adopt 10 more schools in Tarnol UC, MF is expanding its impact.

Moawin Foundation (MF) relocated to Islamabad, Pakistan, where it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) and took responsibility for 12 schools in Alipur Frash Union Council. MF implemented various interventions, including teacher training in basic teaching skills, activity-based teaching, and internet safety. They also provided management training to school heads and repaired furniture in 10 schools. Additionally, MF enhanced school infrastructure, equipped prep classes with learning materials and LCD TVs for digital learning, and addressed clean drinking water shortages by installing electric water coolers. Washroom facilities were also improved. MF aims to expand its efforts by adopting 10 more schools in Tarnol UC, Islamabad.

Education In Islamabad
The main goal of Moawin Foundation is to provide quality education to all. To achieve this goal, Moawin Foundation has partnered up with Government schools. The foundation is providing state of art facilities to these government schools to ensure quality education. So far, Moawin Foundation has adopted 12 schools in Islamabad with an enrolment of approximately 6000 students.

In Islamabad
Moawin Foundation has
adopted 12 schools

ECD and
Early childhood education (ECD) is recognized as crucial for laying the foundation for children’s development, with significant long-term impacts. Moawin Foundation (MF) emphasizes the importance of ECD and its applications, initiating programs in Islamabad schools such as IMSG Farash Town Phase II (I-V). Additionally, MF collaborates with TTWF to introduce tablet-based E-learning in IMSG Alipur Farash (I-V) and IMSG Tamma (I-V). They also provide online tuition classes in collaboration with Noon Academy, offering free evening classes to 190 children and a scholarship program for 59 students in Islamabad schools.
Provision of Clean Drinking Water
Contaminated and unhealthy drinking water leads to many diseases. Clean healthy water is an essential ingredient for a healthy human life. Moawin Foundation has provided clean drinking facilities including the water filtration system and water coolers in all its adopted schools in Islamabad as well.

Extra-Curricular Activities
Moawin Foundation considers extra-curricular activities imperative for the students. Different activities are planned for the students throughout the academic year. Spelling bee competition, eyesight screening campaign, sports day, national day, cleanliness, and plantation drives are amongst many other such activities.
Teachers’ Training
Moawin Foundation believes that the professional training of teachers can help them not only perform their job with innovation but also to stay organized. The training helps the teachers to become more efficient and to focus more on students. Keeping this in consideration, different training programs have been conducted in the schools for the teachers. Teachers have been trained in;
Basic Teaching Methodologies
Professional Development Training
Introduction to Digital Learning
E- Learning by SABAQ
Home-based teaching by Noon